Workday Training

Requisition for Goods and Services



Full course description

Workday Training with the Elevate Program

Workday training is tied to your security role, or what you’re able to see and do within Workday. You will have recommended and optional courses to complete based on your job needs. Everyone’s training journey will be unique! 

The following section includes more information about this particular course.

Requisition for Goods and Services

Course Description

This course helps you understand the requisition process in Workday. You will learn how to create Shell Shop and non-catalog requisitions, manage requisitions, and create returns and receipts.

Recommended Roles

This course is intended for users who requisition for goods and services. It is also recommended for the Business Asset Accountant, Business Asset Tracking Specialist, Buyer, Cost Center Procurement Reviewer, Gift Manager, Grant Manager, Project Manager, and USource Manager.

Optional Roles

Institutional Fleet Lead, Laser Safety Lead, Network & Infrastructure Lead, University Police Lead

Prerequisite Material

Introduction to Workday, Finding and Viewing Reports in Workday, Using Worktags

For more training information, visit the Elevate website.

Contact for questions or if you need additional accommodations.

Sign up for this course today!
